For parents

Brighten your child’s smile and their future with ABA therapy — at your home, on your schedule.

For therapists

Want to grow your ABA therapy career? There’s a rewarding job waiting for you at North Carolina Behavior.

Some see challenges.
We see possibilities.

We know that receiving an autism diagnosis can be stressful. Your child’s ASD diagnosis doesn’t have to limit who they can be and what they can accomplish. But where do you start?

We get it.
And you’re not alone in this journey.


At North Carolina Behavior, our compassionate, skilled ABA professionals work alongside you to harnesses your child’s challenges and gifts, teaching them the skills they need to grow into a confident, successful adult.

1:1 therapy in familiar

We bring therapy to your home and community, where your child feels safe and it’s convenient for you. We aim to fit seamlessly within your schedule.

Skills for life,
one smile at a time

Therapy works wonders, but it shouldn’t feel like work. We teach through play in your child’s natural surroundings, giving them essential skills for a lifetime of joy and independence.

parent support

From feeding to bathtime to family outings, we empower you with the tools to turn everyday moments into powerful learning experiences that nurture your child’s growth.

ABA Therapy is...

  • Clinically proven
  • Child adored
  • Parent approved

Backed by 50+ years of research and thousands of controlled studies, ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis) therapy is considered the “gold standard” of treatment for children, teens, and young adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).


“Absolutely invaluable”

Our BCBA is committed to my daughter’s growth toward independence and always sees, and centers, her strengths. Her approach to teaching us how to better understand what she is endeavoring to communicate so we can better meet her, support her, and learn from her ourselves, is absolutely invaluable.

— Alysha Campbell

You might be asking:

How can therapy benefit my child?

We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Our personalized, child-centered ABA services are holistically designed around your child’s needs, personality, lifestyle, and interests, never letting their diagnosis overshadow the rest of their amazing self.

Mealtime routines

Picky eater? We’ll ease them out of their comfort zone and make mealtime less stressful.

Sleep support

We’ll help your child develop good sleep habits and routines, giving everyone more calm at bedtime.

Toilet training

Traditional potty training methods may not work for children with autism. ABA can help.

Emotional regulation

With therapy, your child can learn to manage negative emotions and behaviors more effectively.

Communication & Social Skills

Your child can build crucial verbal, social, and communication skills for maintaining healthy relationships.

Practical life skills

Whether it’s attending social events, shopping, or holding down a job, they’ll learn the skills they need.

We know you have a lot on your plate. We make the process easy and convenient, and we move quickly to get your child the help they need, matching them with a care team that’s the best fit for your family.

Get in touch

Connect with our advocates to discuss your needs and confirm your eligibility for ABA therapy.

Get a plan

Meet your local BCBA in your location of choice to determine their needs and customize a plan of care.

Get approved

We coordinate expedited insurance approval for your child’s personalized plan of care.

Get started

Your child begins their ABA therapy journey, and you watch them smile with every step forward.

We also give you and your family members tools and strategies for helping your child — so your entire family benefits!


“It transformed my child”

ABA equipped us with tools to cope with day to day challenges. My son is better able to follow directions, his attention has improved, he’s having fewer meltdowns, and he is learning how to cope with his anger when he is upset. We are no longer afraid to go out to public events and activities! It transformed my child.

— Mike Johnson

Step forward. Dream big.

Reach out to us today, and discover the difference that ABA therapy can make for your child.

Click here to talk with
a Care Specialist